
整理自 Youtube 视频: https://www.youtube.com/@zaharaEnglish

I was wondering if… 我在想是否…

Help me out with something. 帮我个忙

If it gets here and I’m not here tomorrow. 如果明天到货,我(又)不在这里。

I‘m having some furniture delivered tomorrow. 我明天有一些家具送过来。

Have them put in my apartment. 让他们放在我的公寓里。

I can sign for it. 我可以签收。

Here is my spare key. 这是我的备用钥匙。

keep somebody in the dark. 瞒着某人。

not when you are the one asking me for help. (尤其)不要在你有求于我的时候。

Couldn’t take the chance that… 不能冒这个险…

It’s all about timing. 这全是时间的问题。

You told me it was about… 你告诉我这与…有关。

like it’s a second nature. 就像是本能一样。

our backs are against the wall. 我们没有退路。

I did what I had to do. 我不得不这么做。

And you are proud of that? 你为此感到自豪吗?

Sometime you have to cross the line to do the right thing. 有时候你必须跨过界限才能做正确的事情。

Guess you are rubbing off on me. 大概是受到你的影响。

show me the ropes. 带我熟悉情况。

What goes on here? 这里发生了什么?

How’d you get him to do it? 你怎么让他做的?

How’d you get him to agree? 你怎么让他同意的?

We are ringing the bell. 我们要开始行动了。

We are rounding everybody up. 每个人都要参加。

Round everyone up. 所有人聚集起来。

You want to stay out there… 你不行参与。

It’s nice to be able to not have to worry about… 能不去担心…是很好的。

I should probably go. 我可能该走了。

I should probably get going. 我可能该走了。

We should probably be careful talking about it here. 我们在这里谈论这个要小心。

I was half listening. 我无意间听到的。

He keeps looking over here. 他一直往这边看。

I was provoked. 我被激怒了。

It’s all quite thought-provoking. 发人深省。

Come over here. 过来。

beat around the bush. 拐弯抹角。

figure out a great way to deal with it. 找出一个解决它的好方法。

That’s a great way to… 那是一个很好的方式去…