
整理自 Youtube 视频: https://www.youtube.com/@zaharaEnglish

Could you do me a favor? 你能帮我个忙吗?

I am gonna out today. 我今天要出去。

Do me a favor and stop trying. 拜托,别这样了。

It means a lot to me. 这对我意义重大。

I am so touched you are all willing to do this. 我很感动你们愿意这样做。

What are friends for? 朋友是干什么的?

I’ll see what I can do. 我会看看我能做什么。

What’s up? 怎么了?

Here is the thing. 事情是这样的。

I am wondering if you can look after my cat. 我在想你能不能照顾我的猫。

Really appreciate it. 非常感谢。

What’s bugging you? 什么烦扰你?

Nothing is bugging me. 没有什么烦扰我。

I can’t take it anymore. 我再也不能忍受了。

It’s just a lot to take in. 一时难以接受。

I’ve been there. 我也经历过。

I’ve been down this road before. 我以前经历过这种事。

Let it go. 放手吧。

You gonna have to… 你得…

I kinda don’t feel like… 貌似不想…

I am thrilled to hear the news. 我很高兴听到这个消息。

I am so swamped. 我好忙。

I am swamped with work. 我被工作压得喘不过气来。

I am wiped out / exhausted. 我很累。

That is a tough one. 这是一个很难的问题。

That is a tough decision to make. 这是一个很难做的决定。

Been having a tough time. 一直很难过。

I’m totally listening. 我在听。

Totally. 必须的。

I ordered some stuff. 我订了一些东西。

Check on my kids. 看看我的孩子们。

Do you know yet if we can…? 你知道我们是否还能…?

I am so slammed next week. 我下周很忙。

I can make it. 我能行。

I’ll make it. 我会行的。

Don’t fixate on it. 别执着于此。

I was fixated on… 我执着于…

Wanna grab a coffee? 想喝杯咖啡吗?

We were just gonna see if you wanted to go? 我们正想知道你要不要去?

Cause we got to the other place. 因为我们要去另一家。

Blow somebody off. 放某人鸽子。

What was the deal…? 到底咋回事?

What was the deal with…? …到底咋回事?

Is it because…? 是因为…?

A couple of weeks ago. 几周前。

I’m still mad at you for something. 我还在为某事生你的气。

What are you mad at me for? 你为什么生我的气?

You think that’s something that he’d be mad at you for? 你觉得这是他会为此生你气的事吗?

Cover it up. 瞒着不说。

Well, if he’s angry, he really shouldn’t just cover it up. 如果他生气,他真的不应该瞒着不说。

I wish he would just tell me the truth. 我希望他能告诉我真相。

Apparently. 明显地。

Get him a ticket. 给他买一张票。

What am I supposed to say? 我应该说什么?

What am I supposed to do now? 我现在应该做什么?

That guy is always mooching off us. 那家伙总是占我们的便宜。

Anyway, I still think we should try to patch things up. 不管怎样,我还是觉得我们应该试着和好。

Patch things up with… 和某人和好。

Here you go. 给你。

I got this one. 我来搞定这个。

I can’t figure this out. It’s so hard. 我搞不清楚,这太难了。

Walked in on sb. 碰见某人在做某事。