
整理自 Youtube 视频: https://www.youtube.com/@zaharaEnglish

I think we are gonna have to… 我觉得我们得…

I think this doesn’t change a thing. 我觉得这并没有改变什么。

If you don’t like it, we can take them back. 如果你不喜欢,我们可以退货。

Don’t say that yet, take it back. 别这么说,收回去。

What do you think? 你怎么看?

The more the merrier. 人多更热闹。

I was like, 我当时想…

I have got sth done == have sth done 我已经把某事做完了。

Have little prep work to do. 几乎没有准备工作要做。

I have it all in front of me. 我一切都准备好了。

Walk me through it. 一步步教我。

You are gonna walk me through it. 你会一步步教我。

Get it all together for you. 都为你准备好。

So we are gonna go ahead. 那我们就开始吧。

What it calls for. 它要求的东西/量。

Call for sth == need sth 需要某物。

Where do we start? 我们从哪里开始?

I’ve got sth done. 我已经把某事做完了。

Get me into trouble. 把我弄麻烦了。

One thing I remember is… 我记得的一件事是…

I packed you food. 我给你准备了食物。

I packed a change of clothes. 我给你准备了换洗的衣服。

I waited for two hours. 我等了两个小时。

I really don’t think… 我真的不觉得…

Could you describe how the … went? 你能描述一下事情进展得怎么样吗?

How‘s it going? 最近如何?

How’s everything going here? 这里一切如何?

I guess that it didn’t go that well. 我想事情进展得不太顺利。

What’s that for? 用这个干嘛?

Things worked out for you in the end. 最终事情对你进展顺利。

A big day. 重要的一天。

We got a big day tomorrow. 我们明天有重要的一天。

What are you guys doing? 你们有什么安排吗?

Have sth to do. 有什么要做。

I got all that done. 我都做完了。

I feel chill now. 我现在感到轻松。

It just brought things home. 这让我明白重要性。

Forward me this picture. 把照片传给我。

I’ve got some photoshopping to do. 我还有些图片处理工作要做。

So you got it done? 你搞定了吗?

Does that mean we are good? 这意味着我们好了?

…for a little while 一会儿

He has some work to get done. 他有些工作要做。

I would say… 我会说…

I wouldn’t say… 我不会说…

I’m + adj + a person. 我是一个…的人。

I am too stressful of a person. 我是一个压力很大的人。

I am not really much of a dog person. 我不太喜欢狗。

Get overwhelmed. 感到不知所措。

It’s really easy to get overwhelmed… 很容易感到不知所措…

With everything that’s going on nowadays… 鉴于现在发生的一切…

Have been really understanding… 一直很理解…

They’ve been chill with our workload. 他们对我们的工作量一直很放松。

That’s been stressing me out. 那让我很有压力。

I’ll be home in time for dinner. 我会及时回家吃晚饭。

You working today? 你今天工作吗?

Be super chill with us being xxx. 对我们做xxx很放心。

Speaking of that… 说到这个…

Chat about big picture stuff. 聊聊大局层面的事情。

What’s with you? 你怎么了?

I’ve got this whole work thing stressing me out. 整个工作让我很有压力。